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Return Viewer's Guide

The Crossing Down

In days to come you will have good use of this
such are the things you will see you who will come here.
Go to your right...
Some Images

A general description of the celestial object I saw cross down through between the Moon and the Earth.


I mention my book in this podcast. All of my book's content is free found on this website.
At the time I recorded this podcast I did not realize that I probably saw
the Object
May 25, 1972 and that the Object might return May26, 2018.
When Will The Ancient Object Of The Crossing Down Return

  • The Ancient Object returns and rolls down from the region of space above and to the left of the Moon.
  • The Object first covers the moon's upper left corner as seen from the earth.
  • The object slowly rolls forward in the direction that it is traveling.
  • The object is traveling at a tremendous speed and is only within the distance of the Moon's orbit for a very short few minutes, at the most.
  • The forward rolling object travels towards the viewer's lower right as it travels down past the Earth's horizon towards and eventually through the area of space below and beside the Sun.
  • The object's colour matches the brightest areas of the Moon.

Image #1
The Basic Flight Path                         

Even though the object crosses at a point well out in front of the Moon towards the Earth, it also crosses at a point that is well out from the Earth towards the Moon.
I am mentioning this point because I realize that this point can help a person to better understand The Basic Flight Path image.

  • The crossing angle shown is generally accurate however the left to right angle shown is very probably slightly high. The top to bottom sink rate is accurate in general.
  • Image #1, the styrofoam ball is not intended to illustrate the actual shape of the Object.
  • The pipe cleaner is not 100% straight.
  • The Moon is shown in the background. This image does not illustrate or attempt to show the actual way the light from the Moon looks at this point in a return.
  • Image #1 illustrates the location were the Moon's changed light emerges from over the object's upper right horizon and to the right of the Object after the total eclipse.

Image #2

  • The very reflective object is many times brighter than the more distant dimmer Moon.
  • Looking through a small backyard telescope a normal clear in focus view of the Moon seems blurry in comparison to the crystal clear very in focus view of the returning object. Future viewer's will be stunned and surprised by the clarity of the details that are visible and very easily seen on the object's surface.
  • The object is incredibly brilliant however in spite of the tremendous brightness of the object it is not uncomfortable to look at.
The Moon is located to the right and above the object's upper right horizon                                   
  • In image #1, in general, the scale and or the sizes of the object and the Moon relative to one another as seen from Earth during the object's crossing is depicted or shown accurately.
  • Image #2 shows a brownish clay model in front of a white Styrofoam ball.
  • There is a very high probability that the object's raised surface feature is more centrally located compared to the way my clay models show the object's raised surface feature located to the left.
Image #3
  • The object is nearly completely covered with hundreds of craters.
  • All of the craters have what looks like pieces of the object's surface crust standing vertically around all of the craters.
  • Vertically standing crater rim pieces tower upwards to tremendous heights. Even the smallest of these craters are actually very large in size and scale

Clay Models
  • I modeled the object according to the way I remember it to be. It may be very possible that the light blending and merging that occurs between the light from the Moon and the object's right horizon and especially the object's upper right horizon has caused me to remember the shape of the object in a slightly distorted to the right fashion.
Image #4
  • The turning side of the object that partially faces towards the Earth has no craters.
  • All of the various size craters are exactly the same type of crater. All of the craters are ringed by vertically standing crater rim pieces
  • I only saw this one type of crater.
  • There are no craters that look even remotely close to the way that a typical lunar or Moon, crater looks.
  • The large surface areas between the craters are smooth.
  • Some crease mark indentation lines show similar parallel long curving line patterns in the area between the craters.

Clay Models
  • The images on this page do not depict or illustrate the object's or the Moon's scale or relative sizes with complete 100% accuracy.
  • After modeling the object from the front, position, the way the object is viewed in image #2, the side profile of the object that is eventually seen or viewed from the earth is shown in Image #3
  • Accurate brightness and colour's are not depicted or shown anywhere on this page.

Image #5
  • The object is smaller than the Moon however when the object crosses between the Earth and Moon, the Moon is completely eclipsed. I say the object is smaller than the Moon. I have no proof of this and I realize the object may actually be the same size or even bigger than the Moon.
  • As the forward rolling object travels towards the viewer's lower right, the object's large raised surface feature emerges from over the object's upper horizon and travels towards the viewer.
  • The Moon's light emerges to the right and above the object's upper right horizon.
  • As the raised feature continues forward and down it develops into a curving cliff and then gradually, an overhang.
  • There are no craters in the region directly under the overhang.
  • The Sun is located behind the viewer.
  • As the object's raised surface feature continues forward and down the developing overhang continues to become more pronounced.
  • Suddenly a very black shadow appears located under the overhang.
  • The black spot of the shadow, spreads and continues to spread and thicken and gather in more of the area up under the overhang as the object's forward rolling motion continues.

  • At a certain critical point the shadow very suddenly drops or leaps downwards to the valley floor below, the object's surface, directly below the overhang.
  • The object itself, although moving and rolling forward, becomes a natural part of the entire scene. Somehow because of the light blending and merging between the object's surface and the Moon, incredibly the object's moving rolling surface becomes part of the entire scene. The object becomes the left end of the valley.
  • Once the shadow has reached down to the valley floor, directly below the overhang, the surface of the object, the shadow instantly starts movement to the right across the surface of the object.
  • Also the shadow travels across the surface of the object away from the viewer on an angle that steadily increases as the slowly sinking object continues crossing between the Earth and Moon from the left to the right.
  • The very fast moving shadow's awesome wave, is a tremendously spectacular sight that I try to describe in various places within the pages of this web site.
  • First the main group of tall individual obelisk shaped shadows travel over and off the object's upper right horizon and then the big black thick wave of the shadow travels off the object's upper right horizon into the changed light from the Moon, the ancient valley.

  • The Standing Stone Craters Exist On A Planetary Size And Scale
  • Theia, Is Theia's Core Now The Speeding Object Of The Crossing Down?
  • The Formation Of The Moon
  • The Moon's Ocean Of Storms And The Crossing Object's Powerful Forces
  • Lemon Shaped Moon's Long Internal Axis Matches The Object's Orbital Crossing Angle
  • Lunar Perigee Alert May 27, 2064
  • Navigation Page
  • The object's surface area between the craters has some crease marks.
  • As described the object is nearly completely covered with craters however no attempt has been made to depict craters or crease marks using the clay models.












  • In Image #7, I have made no attempt to show the crease marks that are seen on the object's surface as I try to describe.
  • Rotational frame dragging along with what is very probably a very strong magnetic field may be two of the factors or forces that may cause the Moon's light to become so drastically changed in appearance and behavior.
    The Speeding Forward Rolling Object's
    Magnetic Field
  • The curving lines that are a part of Image #7, are simply an attempt to illustrate the overall shape of the object.
  • Image #7 is an attempt to illustrate the way the overall shape of the object becomes distorted and exaggerated once the Moon's changed light, (the valley,) is seen to the right, and when the black spot of the shadow, appears, under the newly formed and slowly developing evolving overhang.
  • The object's normal, spherical snail shape becomes exaggerated and very pronounced after the tilting instead of rolling effect, at, the viewer starts happening, as I try to describe on the Return Viewer's Guide For Use With A Small Backyard Telescope, page.
  • In Image #8 the changed light from the Moon is shown but only in a basic and very crude way. Also once again the scale of the various elements is not depicted accurately.
  • To the right, and the upper right, the Moon's changed light becomes spread out wide and deep. An incredible expansive sight is seem. A sight that looks exactly like a valley.
  • It turns out that the object does cause the sight of the ancient valley of old to occur.
  • The Moon's light does become the famous ancient valley as every viewer will be seeing for themselves, very soon.

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Please provide a link to this website.
This is all that we ask in return for the non-commercial use of our images. Terms Of Use

The below is from this page: An Email / Message To Solar System And Planetary Scientists And Astronomers

The retrograde Object travels at a tremendous speed through between the Moon and the Earth in approximately 5 minutes give or take. Certainly the Object takes less than ten minutes to travel this distance. I used to think it was more like 2-3 minutes but I have at least partially reconsidered and it may actually take up to 5 and even 5 1/2 minutes to travel this distance considering that the crossing angle itself adds distance and time. Could the Object take as long as 6 minutes and a couple seconds to cross through? I have to say maybe because that may actually be the case however less likely 6 minutes or slightly more seems to me. Writing this page caused me to realize that the Object's crossing time could be at least slightly longer than 2-3 minutes.
Size Scales In Our Solar System And The Crossing Object

The Object's top to bottom sink rate of motion is approximately one half of the Object's left to right crossing rate of motion as seen from the Earth.

The Object's forward roll rate is difficult to determine but I'm going to guess it's probably approximately one forward roll per 45 - 65 seconds. Similar to when I'm trying to guess how long it takes for the Object to travel the distance between the Moon and the Earth my guesses concerning the Object's forward roll rate also vary slightly and you will find examples of this throughout all of my writing.

Even though the Object crosses at a point well out in front of the Moon towards the Earth, it also crosses at a point that is well out from the Earth towards the Moon. I am mentioning this point because I realize that this point can help a person to better understand the image; "The Basic Flight Path." I created my basic flight path image in 2005 with a couple of styrofoam balls and a pipe cleaner when I started my website about the Object.

Illustrating the forward rolling crossing retrograde Object's orbital path down through between the Moon and the Earth with 100% accuracy is not possible. However in general with a very slight adjustment, The Basic Flight Path image is exactly what the forward rolling Object's orbital crossing angle looks like. Unfortunately there's no way that I know of that would allow me to properly illustrate the Object's incredible speed. Take the Indiana Jones boulder and slow it down and look at it directly in the middle from close up and that does simulate the effect you see when you see the Object however a big difference is that the Object is the size of a small planet and that does have a profound effect on the perspective that viewer has especially when using a small back yard telescope the way I saw the Object.

Adjustment: The left to right crossing angle and the top to bottom sink rate shown might be slightly high. Slightly reduce the left to right crossing angle. Also very slightly reduce the top to bottom sink rate angle and this may be a closer approximation than the angles across and down that are shown in my Basic Flight Path Image.

A possible approximate orbital path down through the solar system for Theia.
This example orbit needs to be adjusted into a more elliptical shaped high eccentricity orbit.
Also my orbit example is not lined up very accurately and it needs to be rotated or tilted slightly
to the left
in order to line up better with the perihelion region of space where the small bodies
out past Neptune are being effected by the Object as it orbits down through them.

Griffith Observatory Video, "Ninth Planet? - All Space Considered."



The Crossing Down
My daughter surprised me with this wonderful gift.
As far as I know this painting is the only painting in existence
at this point in time, ancient or modern that clearly shows the main elements involved in a Return. Light from outer space, the Earth, the Moon and the Moon coloured Ancient Object of the crossing itself complete with the Mound, the Shadow and the Standing Stone Craters.
My daughter surprised me again this time for my birthday!
I'm a very lucky and proud dad.
I love you Sweetheart!

All Rights Reserved
© 2014 - 2018
S. Beeton


Time Has Nearly Run Out. When will the Object return?
May 26, 2018

Mii maanda niigaan da-ni-giizhgak ge-mno-aabjitooyan
Mii maanda sa ge-waabndameg giinwaa waa-bi-zhaayeg
Ezhi-gchi-nikaayan ni-izhaan


Familiarize yourself with the details and the sequence of events that I describe.
Numbered 1-5 combined these five separate Return Viewer Guides
describe what a viewer sees actually happening when the speeding forward rolling
Ancient Celestial Object returns and crosses down in front of the Moon.

Even if you decide that you are not going to read anything else, if you read Return Viewer's Guide #1, you will know
the basic idea of what actually happens when the ancient Object returns & crosses down in front of the Moon.
Find in point form Return Viewer's Guide #1, approximately 20% of the way down the page;
Return Viewer's Guide For Use With Or Without A Small Backyard Telescope

print Out The 5_ReturnViewerGuides.pdf

Last updated: 05/14/2018 02:27:23

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