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Return Viewer's Guide

The Crossing Down

In days to come you will have good use of this
such are the things you will see you who will come here.
Go to your right...
Sandra And William's Valley

The ancient Changed and Lasting Light Valley is an incredible fantastic tranquil sight. I remember my first thought very clearly. I looked to the right and I thought to myself, wow what a place! It never occurred to me that this place I was looking at wasn't actually a real place. It is real light from a real place namely the Moon but it isn't actually a real place the way we are used too.

In the Return Viewer's Guide I try to describe this fantastic scene as best as I am able to describe. Unfortunately the fantastic ancient Lasting Light Valley cannot be described adequately with mere words. The only way to begin to understand and appreciate this fantastic ancient sight is to see it for yourself which is still only the start because the scene is to fantastic to fully know and understand.

Once the big main wave of the thick black Shadow has finished sweeping across the Object's surface the brilliant shapes that are seen above the thickness of the Shadow are now also a part of the incredible scene located down over the far slope all one place, Sandra and William's Valley. Fantastic and wondrous and ultimately profoundly important to us humans because this is the place where the big main Shadow strikes and causes the human form to be created in muscular detail.

The ancient Valley has been seen by humans since our very origin. Humans have named the Object of the Crossing Down and the many various sights and elements that are seen within the Changed and Lasting Light since that time as well. If you read carefully you can sometimes notice when the ancient texts are talking about and referring to this place. I truly believe that naming the Object and especially naming Lasting Light sights is a basic human right. Without any sort of possible infringement on anyone else or their traditions people have named the Object and the Changed and Lasting Light sights.

As a part of my family's tradition and in keeping with my basic human right to name the Changed Light I have named the ancient Changed and Lasting Light Valley after my two children as another way for me to honor them and show my respect for them both.
The pure goodness of the Awesome Good shines through both of them into my heart forever.
I love you Sandra, I love you Will

Naming Rules What Naming Rules
The Far Slope


Time Has Nearly Run Out. When will the Object return?
May 26, 2018

Mii maanda niigaan da-ni-giizhgak ge-mno-aabjitooyan
Mii maanda sa ge-waabndameg giinwaa waa-bi-zhaayeg
Ezhi-gchi-nikaayan ni-izhaan


Familiarize yourself with the details and the sequence of events that I describe.
Numbered 1-5 combined these five separate Return Viewer Guides
describe what a viewer sees actually happening when the speeding forward rolling
Ancient Celestial Object returns and crosses down in front of the Moon.

Even if you decide that you are not going to read anything else, if you read Return Viewer's Guide #1, you will know
the basic idea of what actually happens when the ancient Object returns & crosses down in front of the Moon.
Find in point form Return Viewer's Guide #1, approximately 20% of the way down the page;
Return Viewer's Guide For Use With Or Without A Small Backyard Telescope

print Out The 5_ReturnViewerGuides.pdf

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