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Return Viewer's Guide

The Crossing Down

In days to come you will have good use of this
such are the things you will see you who will come here.
Go to your right...
The Qur'an

As time goes by I am always learning and discovering new things about different areas of study related to the return of the celestial Object I saw cross down back possibly on the night of May 25, 1972. As usual I know that I'm only barely scratching the surface of understanding. I can't even begin to understand or know all the different directions and implications of all of this returning orbiting Ancient Object and Changed and Lasting Light business.

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I know for a fact that many references to all sorts of different aspects of a Return event are found within many ancient texts.
What about in the Qur'an? For me the simple fact is I don't know. I'll try to explain and give some background.

One thing I'm not sure about is the correct spelling. I always thought that the correct spelling was Koran. Then I saw that my copy of the Koran has the spelling Qur'an, on the front cover. I don't know what to think and I don't know which spelling is the appropriate spelling for me to use. I am guessing that either spelling is ok and fine to use. On this Wikipedia page a number of acceptable different spellings are listed.'ran Maybe someone who knows will help me out with this question one day. For now and the foreseeable future I will go with the spelling version that is on the front cover of the Qur'an copy that I have.

Back in October 2006 while visiting for the day in Toronto Ontario, Canada I was walking south on Young Street approaching Bloor. I very pleasant gentleman stopped me and asked me if I would like to have a copy of the Qur'an. I gladly excepted and thanked him very much. Along with thanking him sincerely I gave him a slip of paper with the address on it.

Hhe had one condition that he placed on me before he actually gave me what is now my first and only copy of the Qur'an. I made my promise to him and that promise will always remain unbroken. Today and since that day I have kept my Qur'an sealed in an airtight zip lock plastic bag to keep it in perfect condition.

Tonight Saturday June 30th 2007 I am going to take it out and sign to my children inside the front cover.
I am also going to stamp the inside of the front cover with my stamp.
Then I will seal it up again and once again place my Qur'an back in the safe place were I keep it.
I think of it as a special gift for my children.

Without having read the Qur'an yet I don't know the details of the text. In fact I have only opened my Qur'an as far as the inside of the front cover and I haven't looked past the first page yet. That's as far as I have gone so far. I already know that the Qur'an is a special text full of truth and wisdom. The fact that so many of the people of the Earth follow the Qur'an makes me know that the text of the Qur'an is special.

In part does the Qur'an describe the sight of the Lasting Light? Maybe or maybe not I simply don't know. I know that many fantastic ancient descriptions concern the feeling and the incredible sight of the Moon's Changed and Lasting Light. This does not automatically mean that descriptions of the Lasting light are included in the Qur'an. I also realize that the Qur'an may well have Ancient Object and Changed and Lasting Light descriptions contained within. The fact that I'm mentioning this possibility here on this page makes it clear that I think that this is a possibility.

For now I will wait and let other people those who know the Qur'an compare the details of the text within the Qur'an with the sights and the details of the Ancient returning Object and the Moon's Changed and Lasting Light and especially the sight of The Man of Light, The Awesome Good. Ultimately those people will be the people who will decide if Return descriptions are a part of the text of the Qur'an. Obviously the text of the Qur'an is special for many more reasons than I will ever know or understand.

The Object may return the night of May 25th 2018. If it does I hope that there is time for people to be alerted so that they will know to look and were to look to the right at the point of the big main shadow from the start so that they can see the details of the fantastic incredible repeating sculpted ancient forms and sights within the Changed and Lasting Light.

I am very glad that I received my copy of the Qur'an the way that I did. It was an honor and a special moment for me to receive this special ancient text from a man who was obviously a true believer and follower of the Qur'an.

All the best and peace to you as well and to your family from me and my family.
Don B.
Thanks... D.S.W

Time Has Nearly Run Out. When will the Object return?
May 26, 2018

Mii maanda niigaan da-ni-giizhgak ge-mno-aabjitooyan
Mii maanda sa ge-waabndameg giinwaa waa-bi-zhaayeg
Ezhi-gchi-nikaayan ni-izhaan


Familiarize yourself with the details and the sequence of events that I describe.
Numbered 1-5 combined these five separate Return Viewer Guides
describe what a viewer sees actually happening when the speeding forward rolling
Ancient Celestial Object returns and crosses down in front of the Moon.

Even if you decide that you are not going to read anything else, if you read Return Viewer's Guide #1, you will know
the basic idea of what actually happens when the ancient Object returns & crosses down in front of the Moon.
Find in point form Return Viewer's Guide #1, approximately 20% of the way down the page;
Return Viewer's Guide For Use With Or Without A Small Backyard Telescope

print Out The 5_ReturnViewerGuides.pdf

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