have spent many years trying to figure out the date for when
I saw the Object I describe on this website.
did I see the Object? ___Was
it May 25, 1972? |
This is important because the Object I saw
orbits and was witnessed and reported May 24th, 1926
answer to the question I ask directly below on this page does
answer this important question, when did I see the Object down
to the exact seconds with 100% certainty. |
Prize:_$1000 or more |
a charity or community service group in the area from where
the winning answer was received. Also
I hope to be able to donate prize money to help support your
ongoing research. |
want to thank every individual person involved in positive replies
I may get or any help I might receive. The Object I saw will be back
and it's as simple as that. The people of the Earth are nowhere near
ready for it's return orbit down across between the Moon and the Earth.
You can help
In the early 1970's Apollo crews placed scientific instruments
on the surface of the Moon.
Signals that were being sent to the Earth were suddenly unexpectedly
interrupted for a period of time.
When the Object I happened to see crossed between the Moon and
the Earth it eclipsed the Moon and caused the signal interruption
that was observed.
What was the date and time of this occurrence? |
when this happened is important because the celestial object that
was the cause of the signal interruption also orbited down across
between the Moon and the Earth May 24th 1926 |
you can determine the date and time that the scientists lost
and then reacquired contact with their lunar experiments you
will be on the trail of the celestial Object I saw and describe
on this website.
If someone was able to confirm this date from other sources
this would be important. I saw the Object and then many years
later I learned that "they" detected the Object I
saw when they lost their signals from the lunar surface. |
think I finally know the answer to The Question I have
I think I now know when I saw the Object I describe on
this website
Date: May 25, 1972 Time: 9:30
pm EST (I'm trying to guess
to within one hour)
I right? Maybe... I think I'm right this time because
of some very compelling reasons but I have answered this question
wrong before officially at least twice. I have a long path
that narrowed down and led me to this May 25, 1972 date.
If you find information or the report and this event's designation
number, and it does have a designation number, you will know
when nasa had their anomaly. Nasa claimed to have solved this
anomaly mystery by computer means whatever that is suppose
to mean.
The important information in the report is the date
and the time of this occurrence.
Was the date May 25, 1972? Did nasa lose contact
with their signals from the Lunar surface May 25, 1972?
If not what was the date and time of this occurrence?
years and 1 day after I saw the Object, once again
three nights before the full Moon
it will be May
26th, 2018
We'll see what happens... I know the speeding
Ancient Object will cross down again sooner or later
because the Object orbits, that's what happens.
what I understand every Apollo mission after Apollo 11, excluding
Apollo 13, deployed a Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package
(ALSEP) The Apollo 17 mission was flown in December 1972,
that would be after the Object crossed down May 25th 1972
if I'm right about this date. The stations ran from deployment
until they were turned off on September 30th 1977. This means
that there were four Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Packages
deployed and operating at the time the Object I saw crossed
in front of the Moon.
Each of these stations operated with a Central Station unit
that transmitted signals to the Earth. Were there other transmitters
on the lunar surface operating at that time as well? I don't
know at this point but there were at least four transmitters
that were operating when the Object crossed in front of the
Moon. For the signal interruption to be explained away it
would require an equipment failure on the earth. How many
ears or receivers were listening? Just one? Maybe but that
makes no difference to me because I saw the Object block the
sight of the Moon from the Earth so I know that there actually
was a signal interruption caused by a celestial object no
matter what explanation anyone out there puts forward as a
way to explain away what caused the signal interruption
Station of Apollo 16's ALSEP. |
16's astronauts lifted off from the lunar surface
Orion April 24, 1972. Thirty one days later the Object
I saw
blocked the signals that were being sent from this ALSEP
central Station unit along with the other three Apollo
ALSEP Central
Stations on the lunar surface at that time.
Data from the five continuously operating ALSEP units
was received and recorded by NASA's tracking network
24 hours a day.
Spacecraft Tracking and Data (Acquisition) Network
Every ALSEP downlink frequency is different.
Apollo 12,
ALSEP Downlink Frequency : 2278.5
Apollo 14, ALSEP Downlink Frequency
: 2279.5 MHz.
Apollo 15, ALSEP Downlink Frequency
: 2278.0 MHz.
Apollo 16, ALSEP Downlink Frequency
: 2276.0 MHz. |
ALSEP Central Station receives commands from the Earth
and transmitted data. Communications with Earth were achieved
through a 58 cm long, 3.8 cm diameter modified axial-helical
antenna mounted on top of the Central Station and pointed
towards Earth by the astronauts.
ALSEP 12 five years old and still going strong December
2, 1974 Report
The ALSEP system and instruments were controlled by commands
from Earth. The stations ran from deployment until they
were turned
off on 30 September 1977 |
To suggest an alternative explanation for the
cause of the signal interruption other than the Object I saw
eclipsing the Moon is to try to put forward an explanation
that would be impossible to prove. I saw the Object. I know
what happened. When the scientist quoted in the magazine article
were I first read about nasa losing their lunar telemetry
stated, "whatever caused the signal interruption, it
had to have been enormous," he knew that there was only
one explanation that fit and that was that obviously some
type of an object had to have blocked the signals causing
the interruption. As it turns out I can say with 100% certainty
that he was right. That's exactly what happened. He wasn't
the only one who knew either. Also for some time I have wondered
what the last signals they received from the Moon at that
time indicated? For example I have read that the seismic detector
experiments that were deployed worked very well with a high
degree of sensitivity. I would like to know what the reacquired
signals indicated. Were there any unusual seismic readings
recorded right before and right after the signal interruption?
After finding out that the Object's basic flightpath is oriented
basically exactly the same as the newly
discovered lemon shaped moon's long axis, I now know for
a fact that the Object's forces impact the Moon. There was
progress towards NEO study and detection starting in the 1970's.
They knew something big went by right under their noses and
it seems they missed it. Even though they didn't see it they
did detect the Object's crossing.
Prize, there is no second prize at this time but hopefully
that will change and a situation develops were two or more prizes
are needed. That would mean that this effort to understand more
and share information was worthwhile and perhaps even successful.
- Using
Google search in general I will be asking my question basically
starting in the order that the "Ask The Astronomer"
website returns are listed.
Because I need to spend some time carefully reading instructions
at each website submitting the question will take time.
- Gradually
I will compile a list of Ask The Astronomer websites were
I have submitted my question.
- These
website urls will be listed below on this page.
If there is a winner or winners they will be credited at a
point later TBD after the return of the Object I describe
on this website.
- All
prizes awarded will be the same as the first prize. If some
people are able to help me out today I will be looking forward
to the near future when hopefully I will be able to help them
out in return.
- I
will be as generous and as fair as I am able to be. I am simply
trying to do the right thing overall with my best intentions.
- Contest
closes when the news of the Ancient Object's arrival
home breaks
or at any point in time TBD before
the Object's return.
you pursue the answer to the question I am asking and you are
successful you will have important information that concerns
the entire world. If you share this information with me and
people who need to know and understand this situation and everyone
else, you will be doing the right thing. As a result you will
have made an important contribution and nothing less. If you
find the answer to the question I submitted but you fail to
report and share your answer and the supporting information
you have acquired then that would be disappointing and unfortunate
overall. |
again I want to thank every individual person involved in positive
replies I may get
or any help I might receive.
I sent the first, "Ask The Astronomer A Question,"
email on Tuesday,
June 30, 2015
At least two emails failed to send.
At this time
I have no results to report.
December 19, 2015 Although there are
more Ask The Astronomer websites I could email, at
this time I have decided to at least temporarily discontinue
contacting people with my question.
Unfortunately at this time January 11, 2017
The contest is now closed.